What is the link between progesterone and a healthy pregnancy?

[Music] good afternoon my name is Dr Josh skarupski I'' m among the reproductive endocrinology and the inability to conceive medical professionals at the Facility for Reproductive Medication at the College of Michigan and uh we are fortunate sufficient to recently have actually started a fertility blog and are attempting to have a higher presence uh on the internet regarding fertility and the inability to conceive techniques and we have given that gotten a series of inquiries relating to a selection of questions for fertility concerns and one of which has come up uh to be in fact a common inquiry which is pertaining to levels of progesterone and basically progesterone is a hormonal agent that'' s generated after ovulation and there needs to be a certain degree of progesterone to in order to suffer maternity when progesterone levels are low there is some idea that that can potentially cause points like recurring losing the unborn babies um we usually check that level at a particular time in the cycle and after that afterwards if it was reduced uh we can then provide a range of medications to help to try to correct that if and when there is a trouble like that there are a series of medications like I mentioned from just supplementing with things like progesterone by itself to assisting with drugs that aid you produce even more than one follicle like a uh dental ovulation medicine [Music]

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