hi I'm Kristen and I'm a pregnancy coach who works with mamas all over the world I help you go from feeling anxious and overwhelmed to really enjoying your pregnancy preparing for a sacred natural birth and giving your baby the...
Vika: She gave me a call at work and she said she was pregnant. It was hard to take it all in. I got really emotional knowing that I've got a baby. My name's Vika Tauala. I have eight brothers, one...
hey there i want you to have the best induction possible and so i've got some tips i've learned from experience as a doula supporting many people through an induction and i want to share just some ways to prepare so...
(upbeat music) >>Stella Dantas, MD OB/GYN – When you're thinking about getting pregnant, you want to be in the healthiest state possible. So it's important to go and visit your physician, or your midwife, to plan on how to have a...
hi it is so great to see you again today we are going to talk all about inductions of labor why you might need one how they happen and kind of what to expect yeah and over the course of this ...
Some women experience a small amount of bleeding usually in round about the time that they'd normally have a period and this is common in pregnancy. You can also experience the same kind of heavy feeling that you feel just before...
– [Narrator] Going into labor is a different experience for everybody but there are some physical symptoms that commonly happen as labor approaches. Here are four ways you can tell that labor is near. You have cramps. Mildly painful, these often...
many people have doubts regarding the 3rd month NT scan ad blood test report I will clarify the two most common doubts in this video many patients ask me In which exact week should I do this scan as 3rd month...
Hello Mommy! Let’s assume that you have successfully managed to go into labor. Contractions have started and now yofu are, let’s say 3cm dilated. But now, all of a sudden, your cervix does not dilate any further OR it is going...
(upbeat music) >>Fonda Mitchell, MD OB/GYN – The most critical aspect of a pregnancy is within that first 13 weeks. So that's when the fetus is developing. What we would recommend to you is to avoid chemicals, medications, dietary supplements that...