Bun In The Oven Baking Guide: A Week-by-Week Look At Your Tiny Tenant

Congratulations! You're pregnant! Whether this is your first rodeo or you're a seasoned pro at the whole baby-growing thing, the next nine months are going to be a wild ride. Buckle up as we take a week-by-week peek inside your ever-changing world.

**Weeks 1-4: The Undercover Operation**

You might not even know you're pregnant yet! This sneaky little embryo is busy implanting itself in your uterus, kicking off a hormonal party in your body. You might experience some light spotting, tender breasts, or fatigue, but it's easy to mistake these for pre-period symptoms. Patience, my friend, the fun is just beginning!

**Weeks 5-8: Hello, Nausea, My Old Friend**

Morning sickness, afternoon sickness, all-day sickness – whatever you call it, it's here. Your little gummy bear is now the size of a raspberry and growing rapidly, hence the nausea. On the bright side, your baby's heart is beating, and little buds for arms and legs are forming.

**Weeks 9-12: The Fatigue is Real (But So is the Excitement!)**

The first trimester is coming to an end, and hopefully, that pesky morning sickness is starting to ease up. Your baby is now the size of a lime and rocking a full set of organs. You might even get a sneak peek at your little one during your first ultrasound!

**Weeks 13-16: Hello, Second Trimester Glow!**

Welcome to the honeymoon phase of pregnancy! You'll likely have more energy, your bump might start to pop, and you might even feel those first magical flutters of movement. Your baby is now the size of an avocado and developing their senses.

**Weeks 17-20: Did Someone Say Ultrasound?**

Get ready for the anatomy scan, where you'll get a detailed look at your little one (and hopefully find out the gender, if you choose). Your baby is now the size of a banana and practicing all sorts of cool moves like sucking their thumb and hiccuping.

**Weeks 21-24: Bump, There It Is!**

Your bump is definitely noticeable now, and you're probably feeling more kicks and jabs than ever. Your baby is now the size of a cantaloupe and developing their own unique sleep-wake cycle. You might find yourself up late at night wondering if they inherited your love of late-night snacks!

**Weeks 25-28: The Home Stretch (Sort of!)**

You're in the third trimester now! Your baby is the size of an eggplant and their lungs are maturing in preparation for that first big breath. You might start to experience some fun new symptoms like heartburn and shortness of breath, but hey, it's all part of the journey, right?

**Weeks 29-40: The Grand Finale**

The final countdown is on! Your baby is now the size of a…well, a baby! They'll continue to gain weight and develop until they're ready to make their grand entrance. You'll likely experience a mix of emotions – excitement, anticipation, maybe even a little bit of fear – but trust us, you've got this!