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My Birth Story | POSITIVE Induction + Super FAST Labor at 41 Weeks

My Birth Story | POSITIVE Induction + Super FAST Labor at 41 Weeks

i had my doula on one side holding one 
leg i had garrett on one side holding   the other leg you just don't know 
what labor is like until you do it hey guys this is my crazy five and a half 
hour birth story preceded by a couple weeks   of false labor birth story i'm a first time 
mom i have obviously never given birth before   and i was absolutely shocked that it went that 
quickly that it was so smooth it was nothing   like i had envisioned or planned for really in 
any way it was a magical wonderful empowering   experience so i want to share it because i know 
a lot of people out there go past their due date   have to be induced that's what happened to 
me i really did not want any interventions   or medicalization of this birth however that's 
not what happened ultimately but at the end of it   i actually think it was the perfect birth 
experience for me so let me share a little bit   about that just in case any mamas out there are 
about to give birth and wanting some reassurance   for me it began on the monday of my 39th week i 
woke up early in the morning i was having some   really minor contractions and so naturally in my 
mind i thought this is it this is the beginning   it's gonna happen i didn't actually know that 
labor could start and then stop i read all the   [ __ ] books i've looked at the apps not once 
did anyone mention that labor could just stop   so i was totally unprepared for it to just stop 12 
hours later like just completely and totally stop   this was really messing with me mentally because 
i had always watched these birthing videos where   people you know had this moment at home where 
they were like oh it's beginning and then   they would continue to have the signs that 
one has when they're going into labor until   heading to the hospital and then they would 
have their birth story it wasn't happening   that way for me i was having false labor it 
stopped it took another week again for it   to start up again in between that time i had 
an appointment with my ob who checked and no   dilation but things were at least softening 
so i was like okay it wasn't for nothing   when i went back in to get checked again the 
following week it was a couple days past my   due date and um they hooked me up to a non-stress 
test monitor and also a contraction monitor and it   was measuring what looked like contractions at the 
time so i was like oh my gosh okay now this is it   but it wasn't so 24 hours of those very mild 
contractions where my whole uterus would harden   but then it wasn't that painful sweetie it stopped 
again i have to say my mental state with all of   this start and stop labor was pretty rough it was 
hard for me to understand why it was happening   and what had happened i really didn't want the 
induction basically so every day that passed   going past my due date it became clearer 
and clearer that i was probably going to   need this induction having an induction means 
that you're going to be hooked up to monitors   there's just a lot more things that have to happen 
like i couldn't labor in a bathtub like i wanted   to i couldn't do much of the labor at home like i 
wanted to or in fact any of it at home it was the   beginning of me understanding that birth plans 
are just plans and that almost no one gets the   exact birth that they envision or plan i've been 
doing hypnobirthing leading up to this i've been   doing like coloring all these things like powerful 
mantras and i just had this idea in my head of how   it would go and so i really had to make peace with 
the fact that that's not what was going to happen   if i had this induction i know that some people 
will go beyond 41 weeks but i agreed with my ob   that it would be better for us to do it at the 41 
week mark there's so many rabbit holes you can go   down reading about why people induce when they 
do and um you know the pros and cons of it so i   won't get into that here but for safety reasons 
we decided to induce at 41 weeks i actually had   a really lovely kind of last you know evening with 
my partner garrett in the sunday leading up to the   induction we just spent the day hanging out as you 
know the last day as it just being the two of us   it was kind of nice actually to be able to have 
a calm drive to the hospital and to kind of have   a plan and know what was going to happen in a way 
looking back at that having it be so calm leading   up to the hospital and the birth was really a 
blessing so then once we got there we checked   in it was 8 p.m we started the cytotec which is a 
cervical ripener at nine still completely closed   no dilation but i was softening so four hours 
later we did another round i did start to have   contractions and so they didn't want to do another 
round of that they wanted to start me on pitocin   now mind you i'm completely hooked up to 
monitors i've been sleeping most of the night so   no big deal i didn't really need to move around 
or anything then they ordered breakfast for me   it arrived and they decided to start the pitocin 
drip just on a level one i think it goes up to 30   right away like immediately i start to have 
very regular contractions i'm talking every   single minute i couldn't even eat breakfast i was 
like you guys i don't know if this is right i went   from like zero to 100 real quick so the nurse took 
a look she was like okay that's you know i agree   so we turned off the pitocin and the contractions 
continued like i was in full on labor it didn't   take long for me to really be in the throes of it 
the hypno birthing went out the window there was   no way that i could i tried to put it in my ears 
but i was just like this is too much i can't focus   on anything um what really helped was just to be 
bent over the bed and to have either garrett or   my doula pushing on me you know when the pitocin 
started we texted the doula and she was like okay   it usually takes most people a couple hours to get 
going and that's what the nurses had assumed to   but it didn't like i just went immediately 
so i tried to kind of handle it for about an   hour and then i was finally like you know 
what i think i might want that epidural   and i was worried about it because last i heard 
i wasn't dilated at all and i felt like you're   supposed to wait but everyone was encouraging 
that i do what i need to do to manage my pain   and so i did out to get it even 
though i thought i wouldn't   i have to say it was the best decision and i'm 
really glad that i did because all i wanted   to do was lay down on the bed at this point it 
was about 11 30 so my contractions had started   right around 8 a.m and this was about 11 30 now 
that i got the epidural and i was relaxed and um   finally i was like okay enough for the nurse 
to check how dilated i was she checked and as   she checked my water broke and she was just 
like i can't believe it you're fully dilated   it was amazing to hear that i couldn't believe 
that i had basically done the whole labor without   the epidural like i had gone straight basically 
into transition and i was about to give birth   so we gave him about 30 more minutes to descend 
i could feel the pressure that's something i was   worried about with the epidural that i wouldn't 
know when to push but i totally still felt   the pressure and i totally knew when to push 
pretty soon my doctor was called she came in   and we started pushing that was probably one 
of the toughest parts of the whole thing just   because like that pressure is really something 
you just don't know what labor is like until you   do it so i started to push and the nurse was just 
amazing she was there coaching me i had my doula   on one side holding one leg i had garrett on 
one side holding the other leg i had pictured   me like maybe in a squatting position or you know 
really anything but on my back to do the delivery   but then by the time that that's where we were 
at that's kind of the place that i wanted to be   and kind of felt the most effective pushing 
as well once the water broke there was some   meconium in the water so there was some 
concern that maybe he had aspirated that   they had a respiratory therapist come in they had 
a bunch of people at the ready just in case there   were any problems and that was why specifically i 
did want to give birth out of hospital because i   just wanted full support in case there was 
ever any emergency or we needed anything   so i was glad to have that although the room 
just kind of flooded with people which was a lot   so at that point i finally did the hypnobirth 
thing i was like garrett please give me my   headphones so i put it in and i listened 
to the track about waves of pushing and   that like got me through the end of it so in 
about an hour i pushed him out and he was born   and that was such a beautiful moment everything 
was fine he's totally healthy we didn't need the   respiratory therapist he bounced right away 
that was my crazy quick five and a half hour   birth story as a first-time mom i had been really 
worried about this induction because you hear so   many horror stories but when it came down to it 
it was totally fine it was actually wonderful and   beautiful i'm so lucky that my labor was only five 
hours and i'm just really glad that this guy's   here now fully baked in the 97th percentile 
for height my eight pound two ounce baby he came right on time

As found on YouTube

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