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Labor Dystocia, Prolapsed Umbilical Cord, Cesarean Section – Maternity Nursing | @LevelUpRN

Labor Dystocia, Prolapsed Umbilical Cord, Cesarean Section - Maternity Nursing | @LevelUpRN

Hi, I'm Meris with Level Up RN. And in this 
video, I'm going to be talking to you about   labor dystocia, prolapsed umbilical cords, and 
C-section births. I'm going to be following   along using our maternity flashcards which 
are available on our website,,   if you want to grab a set of your own. And if you 
already have a set, I would invite you to follow   along with me. So let's go ahead and get started.
I'm going to start here with labor dystocia. So   what is dystocia? It just means a prolonged or 
difficult birth. So this can be for multiple   reasons.

Fetal macrosomia, so a big baby is going 
to be one of the reasons for dystocia, right? This   is going to be because that's a big baby to get 
through the pelvis, so that's one possible reason.   Maternal fatigue. Think about being in labor 
for hours and hours, possibly even days,   Mom is going to tire out. It's just going to 
happen. Uterine abnormalities, so maybe the   structure of the uterus is different or there's 
a weakness to it. Cephalopelvic disproportion,   which is a fancy way of saying that head 
is way too big to get through that pelvis.   And then fetal malpresentation, if the baby 
isn't in a good position for labor, that can   prolong things or make it more difficult. And then 
also anesthetic or analgesic use can contribute   to dystocia because, for instance, if we have an 
epidural that is too strong, we're not going to be   able to push effectively as an example.
So signs and symptoms here,   we're not progressing, right? The dilation is not 
moving forward, right? We're not fully dilated,   maybe we're not fully effaced, and maybe the 
fetus just isn't descending.

That fetal station   isn't changing. All of those would be signs and 
symptoms. Now we would want to encourage our   patient to ambulate or change positions if it is 
allowed. So if they have a very heavy epidural,   they're not going to be walking, but we can help 
them to change positions that may help to move   the baby to help rotate things or get things 
moving. But if we want to get the baby from   the posterior to the anterior position, referring 
to where the back of the head is, then we would   want to position the patient on their hands and 
knees to help get into that sort of position.  Now there's something called shoulder dystocia, 
and shoulder dystocia refers to when the fetal   shoulder gets stuck on the maternal pelvis and 
this is a true emergency.

This can cause all   kinds of damage to the nerves and the muscles, 
even the bones. We can cause bone breaks here   when the baby is stuck like that. This is 
a very big deal. So you need to know that   when we have a patient with shoulder dystocia, 
the place that the nurse may be asked to put   pressure is on the suprapubic region. So right 
above that pubic bone, we're going to push down,   and that's hopefully going to help to pop that 
shoulder down off of that pelvic bone.

We can also   help to perform McRoberts maneuver. 
So McRoberts maneuver is going to be   something that can be done for shoulder dystocia. 
Now, other things that we can do for dystocia in   general would be assisting with an amniotomy. 
We can administer oxytocin as ordered, and we   may have to prepare for an assisted delivery 
or for surgical birth through a C-section.  Moving on to prolapsed umbilical cord.

So if you 
have seen previous videos where we talk about   fetal heart rate monitoring or we talk about 
amniotomies and all of these different things,   and we've mentioned prolapsed umbilical cords, 
but let's really talk about what it is and what we   should be doing for this. So a prolapsed umbilical 
cord means that the cord itself is protruding   through the cervix before the baby. So baby 
is still fully inside the uterus, but that   cord is poking out through the cervix. This can 
lead to cord compression, and cord compression can   lead to fetal hypoxia, fetal distress, compromised 
fetal circulation. So remember that that cord   is not just like pretty decoration for the uterus, 
right? That's how the baby is getting that rich   oxygenated blood to the baby and getting rid 
of waste and carbon dioxide so that Mom can get   that stuff out, right? So if we have prolapse and 
compression, it's having a big effect on the baby.  Now, how do we know this? Well, first, we could 
either see it, right? It might be fully out of   the vagina or we feel it, perhaps we're doing a 
cervical check and we feel something poking out   that doesn't feel like a part of the baby.

when we're going, "Oh no," right? And, again,   we talked about variable decelerations being 
caused by cord compression. So if I saw those,   I might say, "Oh no, we could have a prolapsed 
cord." So nursing care, number one is calling for   assistance. You need help, but don't leave your 
patient. So that could be literally calling out,   "I need help in here," pushing some kind 
of emergency button or panic button either   in the room or, for instance, at work, I have a 
panic button on my badge so that I can get help   immediately and it tracks where I am also.

then I need to apply sterile gloves – not clean   gloves, sterile gloves – and I'm going to insert 
my fingers into the patient's vagina. And what   I'm going to do is I'm basically going to try and 
get my fingers one on either side of the cord, and   I want to try and lift the fetal presenting part 
off of that cord. So literally fingers going in,   hopefully cord is running in between them, and 
I'm trying to lift the fetal presenting part off   of the cord to reduce some of that compression 
so that we can still be getting good blood flow.  Next, it would be positioning Mom knee-chest 
position or Trendelenburg position. We're going to   try and use gravity to shift the baby off of that 
prolapsed cord. And then if the cord is exposed   like outside of the vagina, then I need 
to make sure that it is covered so it's   not going to dry up or be exposed to germs.

we need to put a warm, sterile saline-soaked   towel over the cord to protect it. We're going 
to administer oxygen to the patient and we're   going to prepare for the birth of the infant. So 
this is typically going to be with a C-section.   So in that instance, the nurse who is lifting 
that presenting part off of the cord is going to   ride on the stretcher to the OR and is going 
to continue to lift that presenting part off   of the cord until the doctor or whoever 
the provider is delivers that baby through   C-section and now there's no longer the need to 
lift anything off of the cord, right? So it's a   true medical emergency and it can lead to fetal 
death if there is not appropriate intervention.  So now let's talk about C-sections. So cesarean 
sections which we abbreviate as C-sections,   so this is going to be delivery of the infant 
through an incision that's made in the abdomen and   the uterine wall.

So literally, we are surgically 
delivering this baby. And there's a lot of   different types of C-sections depending on if it's 
a classic, transverse, and emergency section, all   of these things. But no matter what, we're still 
doing a surgical procedure to deliver the infant.   We can either have spinal anaesthesia, and that 
would typically be someone who is having a planned   C-section. They're going to go and get the spinal 
anaesthesia which is what I got. It's just the   shot into the CSF and that's going to provide 
anesthesia up until about the nipple level.   There can be epidural anesthesia, that would 
typically be someone who maybe was attempting   vaginal delivery, had an epidural catheter placed, 
and now is going to have a C-section. And also   general anesthesia. It's uncommon, this is not 
the thing that you think of when you think of a   C-section, but general anaesthesia can be given 
to the patient in an emergency situation. So we   sometimes call these splash-and-dash C-sections, 
meaning that we have a time limit. We have to get   baby out.

We don't have time to do a spinal and 
all of these things, so we're going to put Mom to   sleep, splash Betadine on the belly and get going, 
right? We got to get that baby out of there.  So risk factors for C-section, there are so many 
of them. There's a few here: labor dystocia, fetal   malpresentation, failure to progress, right? We're 
not getting that good dilation and effacement.   Fetal distress.

Of course, if the baby's in 
distress, we're going to get them out. And   then previous C-section, I had a C-section with my 
daughter and then I had a C-section with my son.   Some patients do choose to VBAC which is vaginal 
birth after a C-section. However, that comes with   a lot of risks and a lot of like kind of things 
that have to be met for you to be a candidate for   that. So in general, if you have had a C-section 
before, you are likely to just have a planned   C-section again in the future.

Complications. Of 
course, as with any sort of surgical procedure,   hemorrhage and infection, right? Those are our big 
concerns in complications for a surgical delivery.  And as far as nursing care, we got to make sure 
we have a patent IV, right? We're going to start   foley in our patients so that we can empty their 
bladder for them. We're going to run IV fluids,   any sort of preoperative medications like 
antibiotics would be given, and then we need   to provide analgesia for post-op pain. In most 
cases, Duramorph, a form of morphine, is given   with the spinal and this actually provides really 
good analgesia for about 24 hours after delivery.   But once that starts to wear off, it's going 
to be pretty painful. So we need to give those   analgesics to our patients.

And then 
we need to, of course, be assessing   the incision site itself for signs of 
infection, purulent drainage, wound dehiscence,   anything like that. Of course, that's what we're 
going to do for any sort of surgical procedure.  So I hope this review was helpful to you. 
I'm going to give you a quick quiz now so   that you can test your understanding of some 
key points that I gave you in this video. So   get your thinking caps on and let's go through it.
For a patient who's experiencing shoulder   dystocia, where should the nurse apply 
pressure? Where should you apply pressure   for shoulder dystocia?
[Suprapubic region]  What positions are indicated for 
a patient experiencing a prolapsed   umbilical cord? I told you two of 

See if you can remember both.   But even if you get one, that is awesome.
[Trendelenburg or knee-chest position]  And lastly, how should the nurse care 
for an exposed prolapsed umbilical   cord? So I have an umbilical cord that 
has prolapsed and it is exposed to the   outside. What am I going to do to take care of it?  [Cover the umbilical cord with a 
warm, sterile, saline-soaked towel]  Let me know how you did. I hope you did 
great. Thanks so much and happy studying.  I invite you to subscribe to our channel 
and share a link with your classmates and   friends in nursing school. If you found value 
in this video, be sure and hit the like button,   and leave a comment and let us know 
what you found particularly helpful.

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