Factors Affecting Labor, Fetal Position, Fetal Station – Maternity Nursing | @LevelUpRN

Hi, I'm Meris, and in this video, I'm going to be 
talking to you about the factors affecting labor   along with the fetal position and fetal 
station. I'm going to be following along using   our maternity flashcards. These are available 
on our website, leveluprn.com, if you want to   grab a set for yourself, but if you already have 
a set, I would invite you to follow along with me.  Okay, let's get started. So first up, we are 
talking about the factors affecting labor,   and you will see on the back of the card that we 
have a cool chicken hint here to help you remember   these different factors.

We say there's three peas 
and a pod. So the three peas here are going to   be the passageway, the powers, and the passenger. 
So the passageway is just the birth canal, right?   It's about the anatomy. Is a patient's pelvis 
tilted? How is the cervix? That sort of the thing.   All of those anatomical considerations can change 
are a patient's ability to birth a baby vaginally   or can change what needs to happen during labor.
Then we have the powers, and the powers refer to   the contractions. How strong are the contractions? 
How effectively are they affecting the cervix?   All of those things. Again, if we have ineffective 
change to the cervix, then we're not going to have   an adequate passageway and we're not going to 
be able to give birth, right? So when we talk   about the powers, we're talking about how 
the contractions are affecting the cervix.   And then you'll see here that for passenger we're 
talking about the fetus, and there's a whole lot   of information on here.

I'll let you read it for 
yourself; we're going to talk about a bunch of it.   But there's one thing that I really want to pull 
out of here, and this is going to be the fetal   position and fetal station. We're going to talk 
about it with the next cards because we have nice   illustrations for you. But I do want to talk about 
them because it it gets a little bit confusing.  So when we talk about fetal position, we are 
using three letters to describe it.

So this   is actually going to be this drawing right here. 
Sorry, I couldn't remember which side it was on.   This is the drawing that you'll see in the next 
card. I think it is beautiful, and I think that   it is one of the best illustrations that exist to 
talk about how the fetus is actually positioned.  So when we have these three letters, the first 
letter is either L or R, so it's saying left   or right, and then the middle is going to be 
saying what part of the baby are we talking about,   right? So we can be talking about occiput, meaning 
the back of the head.

We can be talking about   mentum, meaning the chin. We could also have 
things like scapula, which we would say SC.   We could have sacrum, which would be just an S. 
So what part of the body are we talking about is   presenting in the pelvis. And then the last 
abbreviation in that three letters is going   to describe where it is. So this is going to 
be either anterior, posterior, or transverse.  So let me give you an example. If we say that 
the baby is LOA, that means that the baby   is positioned so that the occiput, the middle 
there, is left for the patient, for the mother,   and anterior. So if you look at the next card 
– and you can actually see this illustration,   and I'll bring it in close for you and 
hopefully it will focus here – If you see that,   you can see what I'm talking about, about how the 
baby is positioned. And in this instance here,   we are talking all about the occiput. So it 
gets a little bit confusing because we could   have mental presentation. We could have the 
scapula presenting. But for this illustration,   we're talking just about the occiput.

So what is 
the optimal positioning for this fetus? Well, the   optimal is going to be LOA, left occiput anterior. 
That is what we would prefer to have a really   well-facilitated birth. So I remember this as 
LOA is okay. That's how I remembered it. It's   not on our card or anything, but that's kind of 
the easiest way to remember it. But if I had to   choose, then I would say ROA would be second best.
What we don't want is a P at the end there.

We   don't want the occiput, the baby's back of their 
head, to be facing posterior of mom, meaning   the back of the baby's head is facing mom's back, 
because this is that sunny side up delivery.   And with that sunny side up delivery, we can 
have a lot of pain, a lot of complications   there. So LOA is okay. That's going to be the 
best way for that baby to be born.

And so, again,   I really want you to take the time to look at this 
illustration in-depth. I love this illustration   so much that I have it on my wall. I just think 
it is really, really good at sort of explaining   what all of these mean. Of course, only 
talking about the occiput presentation.  Now, lastly, we're going to talk about fetal 
station. So when we talk about station,   it basically just means how far has the head or 
presenting part descended into the pelvis. So   station zero means at the level of the ischial 
spines. Anything higher up than that is going   to have a negative number. Anything lower, like 
closer to the vaginal opening, is going to have   a positive number. You can remember this because 
plus four is on the floor. So if you can remember   plus four on the floor, then you can remember 
that the positive station means that the baby   is exiting closer to the exit of the pelvis. 
Now, here is a really nice illustration.

Again,   I just think that the illustrations in this 
deck are beautiful and so helpful. So you can   see here that we have a baby in the pelvis 
and we're demonstrating where the baby is   and then what each station is. So currently 
this baby is at negative three station. That's   not really an optimal station for delivery. I'm 
not thinking this baby's coming out imminently,   right? Now. If I had plus three, I'm thinking, 
"This baby is about to enter the world." So   just important to remember, positive numbers mean 
closer to the exit of the pelvis, closer to being   in the vagina, right? So plus four on the floor.
Okay. So let's test your knowledge. If   I said that you checked the patient and they 
were presenting ROP, what does that mean?   Next question, what is the optimal presentation 
for the fetus for a well-facilitated birth?   And last question, if I have a baby who is at 
the level of the ischial spines, what station   are they at? All right.

I hope that review is 
helpful, and I really hope I get to see you in   the next one. Thanks so much and happy studying.
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