Best Labor Induction Tips You Want to Know Before You Go

hey there i want you to have the best induction 
possible and so i've got some tips i've learned   from experience as a doula supporting many people 
through an induction and i want to share just   some ways to prepare so that you can have the best 
induction possible first and foremost mindset like   preparing your mind for the induction and setting 
the expectations of what it's going to look like   is really going to help you when you're in it and 
what i like to compare this to is say you have   a friend that's going to go for a run and your 
friend says hey you want to run with me usually   you're gonna ask well how long are we running 
and where are we going tell me about the course   so i want you to know what the expectation is for 
the length of time and what it's going to look   like and i think that's missing often from our 
health care providers we don't always hear sort   of the reality of what an induction looks like and 
even though even if the reality isn't something   we like i think it's better that we know what to 
expect right so inductions can be really long it's   just the reality that inductions often have people 
um ending up spending one or two extra nights in   the hospital than if you go into labor on your own 
so knowing that you're going to be in there a long   time then i think it's set yourself up for more 
success having that expectation related to that   make sure that your family your friends your mom 
knows that it's going to be long too so many times   i have seen people um in labor or having an 
induction where their friends and family on   the outside of the hospital you know at home 
waiting for the news can get really anxious   because they don't realize that it's a long 
process and they weren't given that heads up   and then they just start like blowing up your 
phone and asking like what's going on why is   there no change is everything okay and it can be a 
little bit maddening if you are on the other side   of those text messages and it can get a little 
bit stressful knowing that you have a lot of   people that are waiting that are anxious for news 
and maybe it's just going slow which is normal   but setting family friends and everybody on the 
outside up with that expectation it's such a good   idea also if you have like someone taking care of 
your pets give them the heads up that it's going   to be longer you know anybody who is counting on 
you to have a baby um within you know 24 hours   36 hours make sure they know that it might be 
longer than that and if for some reason labor   goes faster i remember supporting a couple during 
induction and everything leading up we made sure   that they knew that it's probably going to be long 
it's probably going to be slow sure enough her   body picked up and she had the baby fairly quickly 
for an induction and she was totally shocked   very surprised that it went so fast and she was 
able to call her family and say hey turns out it   was faster than i thought of course they weren't 
disappointed that it was faster they were excited   so set up your own mind for that marathon ahead 
of you and set up your family and friends minds so   that they're ready too so if you know you have 
a marathon on your calendar in a couple days   what are you gonna do in the nights leading up to 
the marathon you're gonna take care of yourself   you're going to go to bed early you're going to 
have good dinners you're going to be hydrated   you know there's a physical activity that's 
going to require a lot out of you and a couple   days and so you're going to prepare so i really 
recommend that you do that too don't have those   late nights trying to fit everything in or get all 
of your to-do list done it's really more important   to take care of yourself and get that energy 
stored up be rested so that you'll be at your   best for induction the next thing we gotta cover 
is hospital time have you heard about hospital   time that's what doulas and childbirth educators 
refer to the way the time moves in the hospital   and it can feel like forever so i'm gonna give a 
super real example first say your nurse says oh   your doctor is coming by at 9 00 a.m to check your 
cervix and make a plan for the day great so you're   stuck in this hospital room and of course you're 
looking forward to that 9 a.m check on check by   your doctor well 9 a.m comes and goes 10 a.m 11 
12 you don't see your doctor until 12 45 well   it's not because they were like not doing their 
job they were probably called out to another   birth or a surgery or a situation 
that needed them immediately and so   you unfortunately are the recipient of a 
slower hospital time check by the doctor   this happens a lot so let's just set up our 
minds something that you can do to prepare   as you're heading into induction is just 
remember flexibility it's really key here and   it can really test your patience but i'm letting 
you know you're finding out now you're not going   to find out in the hospital and when your doctor 
shows up two hours passed when you think they're   going to you know about hospital time because you 
have been given this little nugget that all doulas   understand as hospital time also just it doesn't 
always work where it's slower sometimes it's   faster too so don't send your partner out to 
get lunch at 11 30 if the doctor's supposed   to be here at noon because they very well 
may come at 11 30.

So flexibility is key   um it goes right along with the mindset that 
it's going to take a long time you can feel   this is sort of a pattern that's developing right 
the other thing to have flexibility about is a   change of plans so it is fairly common that 
someone's date and time for their induction   might have to be moved so it's really hard to plan 
schedules and set up induction times at hospitals   when they don't really know what's going to happen 
on any given day there might be a lot of people   that go into labor spontaneously and they might 
not have room for you during your induction time   and while this is can be that is incredibly 
frustrating just be aware that it can happen   so having some flexibility understanding that 
plans may change also plans for how the process   is going to take place might change too your 
doctor might think that they need to start with   the thinning process on your cervix and then they 
might change and say oh your cervix is already   thinned let's start with pitocin and start opening 
your cervix so just like a spontaneous labor   things may change along the way i think sometimes 
we get a little bit fooled into believing that   because our the start of labor is being controlled 
that we're able to kind of have a control over how   labor goes and that's not the case we still 
have um kind of no idea the twists and turns   that labor might take and so being flexible 
having patience and knowing that it could be a   very long process ahead before we meet our baby is 
going to set us up for success when we are in it   the last thing is make sure you bring 
all your cheat sheets and all of your   information that you've got a childbirth class 
anything that gives you like a reminder on   things you want to remember remember 
how to set up the room to make it look   nice and peaceful a reminder about how to make 
a decision strategy things that you learned in   class if you took a childbirth class if you got 
any materials this is the book that i give out   in my childbirth class and i always tell my 
students to bring these books you know show   have these pictures available so you can remember 
what you learned don't have to quiz yourself   like totally cheat and labor so set yourself 
up for success by packing all that stuff   now more information on my childbirth class and 
this book in particular is down below the video   if you want to check that out so 
speaking of packing stuff for labor   for an induction i want you to pack all the things 
like i really suggest that if you don't feel   embarrassed by the amount of stuff that you're 
walking into the hospital with you haven't packed   enough you're packing for that ultra long road 
trip that ultra marathon you know you're going to   be there for a long time have twice as many snacks 
as if you were going to have spontaneous labor   have twice as many things to distract you you know 
make sure you have multiple playlists and things   to watch on your laptop and just things to support 
you and keep you busy for a longer amount of time   one thing that a lot of people wonder about 
inductions is what are pitocin contractions like   and so i actually have a video that i know 
you're going to want to check out next that   is right here that talks about pitocin whether 
or not it is evil whether or not it hurts more   what is it all about i get into the details in 
this video and check it out let me know if you   found this video helpful i always appreciate 
a like and i'll see you next time bye guys

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